Axe and Sledge – Betaine


Supports a healthy cardiovascular system.

Supports healthy homocysteine levels.

Supports healthy blood vessel and liver function.

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Axe and Sledge – Betaine


Axe and Sledge Betaine Anhydrous is also known as Trimethyl Glycine.

Derived from the Amino Acid Glycine which has three methyl groups attached.

Betaine is naturally derived from the breakdown of Choline and it’s also found in a number of food sources. The most popular of these food sources can be found in beets, Betaine received its name because it was sourced from sugar beets and the scientific name for beets is Vulgaris. Betaine can also be found in other foods such as spinach, seafood and wines.

Methionine also plays an important role in muscle protein synthesis. By having more Methionine available for the process, the protein synthesis is thus enhanced. Therefore, the potential for muscle growth and strength gains increases.

Betaine supplementation can assist your body in many ways such as:

  • increased strength
  • growth of lean muscle mass
  • longer endurance.

Betaine can be a benefit to your goal if you are looking for more reps on the bench or going for those extra miles on your bike.

it has been suggested to significantly lower levels of Lactate, having lower lactate levels can delay muscular fatigue while allowing athletes the train harder for longer!

Additional information

Weight0.480 kg

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