Axe & Sledge Pre-workout

Original price was: R1,800.00.Current price is: R1,700.00.

Ignition Switch

  • Increase, Sustained Energy Level
  • Mental Focus
  • Increased Blood/Pump
  • No Crash




  • mind-muscle connection
  • mental focus
  • blood flow
  • power & strength.

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Ignition Switch

Stimulant Pre-workout

Axe and sledge have formulated a series of patented ingredients to increase energy levels, and heighten your mental focus with an incredible mind-to-muscle connection. Therefore, increasing blood flow, and adding an unmatched edge to your workouts. In addition, no crash!

Light the switch and let’s go! IGNITION SWITCH is designed for the hardest workers out there! We formulated this product with a series of patented ingredients that increase energy levels, heighten your mental focus with an incredible mind to muscle connection, increase blood flow/pump, and add an extra edge to your workouts that will separate you from the rest!


Axe and Sledge Hydraulic is the first stimulant-free pre-workout of its kind.

The first stimulant free pre-workout of its kind. A pre-workout formula free of any stimulants that you can actually FEEL! Get the blood pumping through your veins and a warm sensation driven to the body part you are working! A combination of patented ingredients enhance the mind-to-muscle connection, with an increased level of blood flow, focus, strength, and power. Not only that, but it also creates more roundness and fullness in the muscles.



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